Jurnalsembilan-Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) terus melakukan pengawasan terhadap penyediaan dan distribusi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) untuk masyarakat. Untuk memastikan hal tersebut, Anggota Komite BPH Migas Abdul Halim dan Eman Salman Arief melakukan kunjungan ke Terminal BBM Kertapati dan Refinery Unit III Plaju, Sumatera Selatan, Jumat (26/5/2023).
Saat berdiskusi di TBBM Kertapati, Eman mengutarakan badan usaha perlu berkomunikasi dengan intensif dengan BPH Migas. “Jaga pasokan. Kawal kuota yang ada, seperti JBT (jenis BBM Tertentu) di Sumatera Selatan,” tegasnya.
It’s not without reason that Eman asked for this. This is because there is a tendency for fuel consumption to increase ahead of the 2023 elections. “This must be a concern for all of us, so that negative things do not occur that disturb public security,” added Eman.
A similar expression was conveyed by Halim, according to him good relations need to be continuously built and maintained together. “Between BPH Migas and business entities appointed by the government to provide and distribute fuel,” he explained.
Business entities are asked to report to BPH Migas, if they find fuel fraud or misuse. “Immediately report it to BPH Migas,” he said.
In addition, he also appealed, if there is a signal for additional quotas or there is a potential for additional quotas in regencies/cities to be submitted immediately to BPH Migas. “We are looking for a way out together,” said Halim.
Halim also requested that BBM, especially Biosolar, which is produced at Refinery Unit III Plaju, be carried out in accordance with the provisions set by the Government.
Meanwhile, Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Region South Sumatra Bagan (Sumbagsel) M. Zibali welcomed the presence of BPH Migas and hoped that the communication that had been established with BPH Migas would continue to be improved. He also explained that the Precise Subsidy program had been implemented since last year and hoped for BPH Migas’ support in overseeing the 1 Price Fuel program in the South Sumatra region.
General Manager of Refinery Unit (RU) III Yulianto Triwibowo said, RU III Plaju is the oldest refinery in Indonesia. In addition, RU III Plaju has an important role in maintaining the country’s energy security.